
Shares of the Municipal Employment Bureau will begin to be implemented this year

20 June 2016 - 16: 09

The Municipal Employment Bureau Dénia agreed at its last meeting held last week in Municipal House of Culture, The realization of actions to carry out before the end of the year.

Specifically, it was agreed that each subgroup of the four existing -Training for Employment and Training Dual; Employability of disadvantaged groups; Enterprise, Entrepreneurship and Single Window; and Administrative contracts, social clauses and agreements with companies local-elected in the coming weeks two actions with economic cost to carry out.

Meeting of the Municipal Employment Bureau

These actions will have budgetary appropriation by the municipality and will be held during the last quarter of this year.

With regard to actions that do not involve economic cotation, its implementation was agreed immediately, coordinating between them "to be able to offer more employment opportunities and competitiveness to the society of Dénia, while avoiding duplicities and offering a more efficient service".

The meeting, which was attended Councilwoman Creama-Dénia, Eva Round, And Councilman Active Employment Policies, Antonio LosadaIt was attended by representatives of the Chamber of Commerce, CEDMA, ACEAD, Multisecma, MAE, Melic Group, Real Estate Arena, Loes Brito, Baleària, Caritas, Salvation Army, the Evangelical Church, the municipal departments of Social Services and Youth and the municipal political groups of Compromís, PSOE, PP and CET. Also participating were AMADEM, Servef and Creama, which occupies the technical secretariat of the Employment Desk offering technical and administrative support.

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