
The UNED of Dénia and the City Council, united for the Festival of Humanities

18 July 2022 - 15: 13

The mayor of Dénia and president of the Dénia Creative City of Gastronomy Foundation of the Valencian Community, Vicent Grimalt, and the director of the Associated Center at the UNED in Dénia, Raquel Martí, signed today the agreement between both entities to collaborate on aspects related to the cultural and social event “Dénia Humanities Festival”, which is celebrated next October.

The signing of the agreement was attended by the rector of the UNED, Ricardo Mairal, who has traveled to Dénia to also preside over the plenary session of the governing board of the UNED Board of Trustees held hours before the signing.

The collaboration will consist of UNED Dénia facilitating attendance at the Festival of the Humanities by its teaching and research staff and students. In addition, participation and attendance at the festival will entail academic recognition by the university.

On the other hand, the Dénia Creative City of Gastronomy Foundation of the Valencian Community will facilitate the participation of the university community in the event, either through its incorporation into the direction and coordination of the festival, or through its participation in the debate tables and scheduled presentations.

El alcalde se ha mostrado satisfecho de la firma de este acuerdo de colaboración y ha afirmado que «es un nuevo paso hacia la voluntad del Ayuntamiento de Dénia de trabajar cada vez más con las universidades».

For his part, the rector of the UNED assured that the agreement means “reinforcing a collaboration that began 42 years ago, when the Dénia center was born.

In another order of things, the director of the associated center has reported that the 2021 accounts have been approved in the plenary session of the board and one of the novelties of the 2022/2023 academic year has advanced: the academic offer of the UNED Dénia will be expanded with the degree of Early Childhood Education and that of Energy Engineering, "two teachings highly demanded by students"

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