
The UNED of Dénia prepares a study on the management of equality for the Diputación de Alicante

08 March 2019 - 14: 07

The director of the associate center of the Distance University in Dénia, Raquel Martí, has presented this Friday, accompanied by the deputy of Family and Citizenship, Mercedes Alonso, the conclusions of a study on the management of equality in the municipal administration commissioned by the Provincial Council. A study «con el que se ha querido conocer la situación real de esta cuestión y así poder dar respuesta a las principales carencias que plantean los ayuntamientos«, ha señalado la responsable provincial.

estudio sobre igualdad elaborado por la uned de denia

The study has shown a growing interest in the adoption of measures that result in this objective, although it warns of the need to reinforce gender mainstreaming, coeducation and the training of municipal technicians.

Following a methodology that has included surveys in the 141 municipalities of the province, it has been detected, explained Martí, that the «políticas públicas de igualdad se encuentran en un estado inicial» as it shows that the 43% of the municipalities do not have Municipal Plans of Equality of Opportunities or that only one 25% has specific technicians in equality.

«Es verdad que la igualdad ha experimentado una evolución muy positiva en la provincia, más profunda en los grandes municipios, pero todavía falta mucho recorrido y se requiere de una mayor coordinación entre profesionales y una transversalidad en la gestión municipal», said the director of the study, who added that, in addition, it is necessary to increase the economic and human resources allocated for this purpose. At this point, he added that the surveys show that an 50% of the municipalities of the province does not have an Equality Council and an 32% is shared.

For his part, Alonso highlighted the «importancia de que las administraciones públicas apuesten de forma decidida por esta cuestión y por acciones que contribuyan a conseguir una igualdad real», something that necessarily happens «por la coeducación, la implicación de la sociedad y una perspectiva donde la igualdad de género se extienda a toda la acción pública generando impactos directos en la ciudadanía».

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  1. Masmelasuda says:

    I hope that the deputation publishes the subsidies that hundreds of associations of extreme left receive with the excuse of equality.
    These associations are tarnishing and trivializing the real needs of women and also stealing our money.
    They have 2 months left Fortunately.
