
The UNED of Dénia gives visibility to the repression imposed on women in the Franco regime

14 March 2019 - 09: 59

The center associated with the UNED in Dénia celebrated last Monday the day Woman, Francoism and repression: a historical debt, where visibility was given to the repression and depuration imposed on women during the Franco regime.

jornada sobre la represion de la mujer en el franquismo en la uned de denia

The day counted with the participation of Raquel Martí, Director of the Center Associated to the UNED in Dénia; Jorge J. Montes, full professor of the Faculty of Law of the UNED; Elisa Pérez, member of the Council of State, former magistrate of the Constitutional Court, Professor of Private International Law; and Elisabet Cardona, Councilor for Equality of the City of Dénia.

Jorge J. Montes Salguero gave a wide exposition of real testimonies of women who had been in prison during the Franco period, testimonies that had been collected during Franco's dictatorship by Tomasa Cuevas, a communist and feminist political activist, visiting the different prisons of Spain, and to whom Montes met and interviewed for the preparation and edition of the book. It was an intervention that gave visibility to facts and data not named, and often silenced, by the mere fact of having been lived and suffered by women. He finished the exhibition with a very moving final, widely applauded, communicating the ultimate reason that motivated him to write the book «lo hice para liberar el alma, para que vibre el bordón del sentimiento y para dar voz a quien no la tuvieron; este es y será mi compromiso social».

jornada sobre la represion de la mujer en el franquismo

Next, Elisa Pérez talked about how in the Franco regime disguised as legality acts in reality despotic and how the teachers were cleansed with reports based on ambiguous and generic arguments difficult to refute and impossible to appeal. I reflect on how this refining of teachers during Franco's dictatorship has brought a consequence of great importance these days and this is the subsequent lack of capacity for dialogue.

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