
Second gear bike Cholet-Denia will raise funds for Condemned to Curb

May 02 from 2013 - 00: 01

The sport, which undoubtedly unites more people, will be the "cause" for the second time of a solidarity initiative thanks to which many children with disabilities will be able to see their possibilities improved.

This is the second bicycle ride Solidarity Cholet-Dénia, in which three cyclists will cross the 1.460 kilometers between the two sister cities in nine days.

Franck Garanger, Christophe Jegou and David Maillochon will be the three protagonists responsible for collecting money all the way to the Condemned to Curb Associationwhose president, Jimmy HiguerasThanked the collaboration of these three athletes.

The 1 June will come from the French city with the mayor of the municipality, which made them the first 50 kilometers cycling and reach Dénia on the morning of 9 June, where they will be received by both cyclists as runners carried the last kilometers with them.

The money that is done with this initiative to curb association Condemned to be allocated to a support program for people with profound and deep cerebral palsy that next summer will be developed, as Higueras said.

Garanger, meanwhile, explained that part of the donations come from US companies and there are also contributions from Cholet companies and the French city of Anger. In addition, any individual can make your donation "by buying kilometers" of the solidarity march through the www.condenadosalbordillo.org page in the account number indicated.

In 2011 this same initiative managed to raise 4.000 euros thanks to which Condenados al Bordillo managed to increase the number of groups of people with disabilities.

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