
Local police conducted more than 250 interventions on the beaches of Denia during the summer

27 September 2013 - 00: 02

A pesar de haber sido un verano «muy tranquilo», tal y como indicó el concejal de seguridad ciudadana, Javier Ygarza, the Local Police of Dénia closes the 2013 summer with a total of 255 interventions for different reasons in the Dianense coast.

Ygarza explained that this campaign, ranging from the 15 from June to the 15 of September, has been made with an endowment of 12 agents and the material equipment of a boat, two quads, an ATV and two bicycles.

Among all the interventions carried out, it is worth highlighting the 47 complaints that have been registered for improper possession of animals in the beaches de Dénia, where pets are not allowed. This number triples the data of last year and is the only data that increases with respect to the same period in 2012.

Javier Ygarza and José Martínez Espasa

The usual services provided by the Local Police must be added this year with the collaboration with the surveillance service of the marine reserve of the Cabo de San Antonio, which has resulted in a total of twenty-eight interventions by the Local Police.

Other data include 20 assistance for people, 38 notices for disturbing the public order, 10 controls made by street vending or vehicular traffic on the beaches, 26 deficiencies in facilities, 6 complaints to caravans parked on the beach, 6 notices Poaching, 22 notices of bathers, 33 notices of surfers and 22 notices of boats.

For next summer, the Local Police will change its surveillance boat by two water bikes that have been ceded by the judge after an intervention made a few months ago. Thanks to this change, the agents will acquire more rapidity in the interventions and will be a saving by the less expense in necessary maintenance.

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  1. mary says:

    Instead of fining Pet carabanas- on the beach and come to the bus stop and proiban the tricks of Romanian and Colombian, that if it is unendurable and not before. A currar more and better,

  2. Eduardo says:

    I think in Denia should address several important issues, one of them is a space conditions for pets, it is a disgrace!
