Ciudadanos - Compromís - Gent of Dénia - Politics - PP

The opposition joins to demand more transparency from the government on the PGE

16 September 2019 - 15: 58

This noon, Gent de Dénia, Popular Dénia and Ciudadanos Dénia have summoned the media to make a joint statement rejecting the lack of transparency of the City Council with respect to the General Structural Plan. They have announced that tomorrow, Tuesday, they will make a written claim to the Ministry of Territory for this purpose, that of "get more clarity and transparency".

Image: PP, Gent de Dénia and Ciudadanos at the joint press conferencePP, Gent de Dénia and Citizens at the joint press conference

According to the press conference groups, the July 18 were given access to the opposition to the documentation requested from the government, but it was "messy and repeated". Since then they say that they have not received more information, what Mario Vidal (Gent de Dénia) points to is a symptom of a "lack of interest in getting the PGE". "We do not understand that they are so calm", declares Vidal, who suspects that "They may have information they don't want to share".

All groups have insisted on the lack of transparency and even, in the case of the popular, have accused the mayor of having said that the PGE does not interest the population. "They prevent us from exercising our right to object because of the little information", they sentence.

Compromís joins information requests

The opposition groups that have called the round have lamented the absence in it of the Compromís group, whose representatives were in the previous meetings and, according to the organizers, had confirmed their attendance at the round.

Rafa Carrió (Compromís) outside the press conference in which they have not wanted to participate

However, Rafa Carrió, spokesman for the Valencian formation, has denied that they promised to participate in such a wheel. Despite this, they join the requests for more information for what they attended the meetings in this regard and, likewise, ensures that they will get involved to request data on how the process evolves, being "always on the side of transparency".

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