
Occupation on the beaches of Dénia in August increased by 36 2015% compared to

August 26 from 2016 - 11: 35

The increase in visitors that Dénia has had during this summer has been noticed at the foot of the street. Great influx of people through the urban area, traffic collapsed in some areas and full terraces have been some of the samples that certifies that the municipality has registered an absolute full.

Bathers in one of the beaches of Dénia

Some data that are endorsed by those provided by the report issued by the environmental technician of the Dénia City Council. Garbage collection figures from the beaches dianenses have increased by 36% compared to 2015. In this report it is stated that the extraction of garbage from the beaches has been 28.720 kilos, while in 2015 it was 20.340. The work has been carried out with the same personnel at the foot of the beach that was foreseen in the specifications of the current contract.

The department of beach cleaning service of the municipality of Dianense has evaluated the provision of this service during the period between the 1 to the 24 in August, which coincides with the largest influx of bathers in the 19 km of the municipality's beach.

The same report describes the extraordinary services provided by the concessionaire of the public service of maintenance and cleaning of beaches in the different storms that forced the removal of algae. From the 1 to the 14 in August, according to that report, they retreated close to 2.400 tons, while in the previous year the sum was 1.100.

Truck Cleaning tasks beach Marineta Cassiana

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  1. Paloma says:

    If so many sources corroborate the increase in visitors in this city, wouldn't the city council have to increase its services in the same proportion? Or do you think that setting up a "clinic" booth with a single doctor for all these displaced people meets the needs?
    As for the concessionary company of beach cleaning, nothing to object, it does its job well!
