
Music therapy helps stroke patients recover

17 September 2014 - 16: 17

After a year of implementation in the Marina Health HospitalA conclusion is drawn: Music therapy is very beneficial for patients who have suffered a stroke or cardio vascular accident.

This is demonstrated by this initiative, promoted by the Hospital Arts Project, CuidArt, which has been implanted in the ward of Internal Medicine, the very music therapists and Ana Isabel Bellver Alegre.

This therapy, complementary to medical and pharmacological treatments, is indicated for patients who present aphasia or difficulty to emit sounds or words, since, as Ana Alegre explains, "In these cases, music, through the melody, helps patients to stimulate the cognitive functions they have preserved, after the stroke."

After analyzing the extracted data, both acute and prolonged treatments, the therapists can conclude that patients experience a recovery of cognitive functions such as memory, attention and language. In addition, music therapy can also treat emotional and social sphere, areas like anxiety, fear, pain or simply different situations to adapt to the new scenario that occurs after a stroke.

The Marina Health Hospital is one of the pioneers in the country in the implementation of this therapy.

1 Comment
  1. cease says:

    Hello! I am interested in this therapy and let me know if there is a clinic in Malaga. My phone is: 951159807 hope your answer. Thank you.
