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The demonstration "For freedom of expression" brought together 400 people

24 October 2014 - 00: 00

The demonstration called by the Union Public Employees of Valencia called 400 people who started the journey from the square Archduke Charles, to the square of the Constitution, at the foot of City Hall. Once there, Enrique Alcaraz, union general secretary read a statement of thanks to the political organizations present at the demonstration.

There was no lack of Els Verds representatives, Esquerra Unida, PSOE, Compromís, UPyD, we Marina Alta and Platform affected by the mortgage. Also to the Interregional Coordination of Public Employees and SIME Trade Unions (Murcia), Afapna (Navarra), Star (Rioja), SEPCA (Canary Islands) for their support and also the workers of the residence of Santa Llúcia were those who encouraged him to the demonstration.

Tuvo palabras duras para los políticos en el gobierno municipal, » that is dirty is not the streets but this council. Those who should be held accountable and cleaning are not those responsible and their workers»

En su discurso, hablo de la libertad de expresión así como de la libertad sindical » we need to know what happens, we need to denounce what happens, we need you to know everything they want to hide»

Hizo referencia al caso particular de Andrea Pastor , » We can not lead a political director or mayor is the one that decides what can be said or not. And depending on what she looks good or not, what seems lie or truth, you can pull a person on the street«.

Concluyó su alegato, » we are not here just to defend the right to freedom of our delegate or freedom of our union, we are to defend the freedom of everyone, and especially the freedom of our children, and those who will come after us, all together We will get it«.

The demonstration was running very orderly and quiet without any alteration.

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