
The MACMA commitment to promoting culture among young people over the next year

27 October 2016 - 12: 16

"Promote and boost the revitalization and stimulation of young people in the Marina Alta in cultural and leisure matters, as well as providing joint initiatives and projects to a generational segment, that of the Youth field, in which resources and specialized approaches must be focused". So reads the new Appendix adopted by the MACMA at its plenary this week and illustrating the main purpose entity established for next year.

Celebration of the full MACMA

It is a cohesive project under the title Young Red which it has been developed by the departments of culture of the peoples that make up the Commonwealth with the intention to seize the administrative structure of the MACMA, as explained in full José Ramiro, Councilman Youth council of Ondara, representing municipal representatives who they have developed the initiative.

The president of the MACMA, Vicent GrimaltHe said that the proposal for this year "A very positive project has been valued for the people of the Marina Alta with respect to the potential of a joint management in the field of Youth and cultural revitalization of said generational segment".

In addition to this approach, the plenary approved the budget of 2017, which has increased an 10% thanks to the commitment of the municipalities that are part of the Commonwealth and that amounts to 106.000 euros. Thanks to this increase, a full-time technical assistant will be hired.

Plenum of the MACMA in Beniarbeig

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