
The Generalitat Valenciana activates extraordinary vigilance against fires at Easter and Easter

02 2019 April - 13: 02

The Emergency Security and Response Agency will activate from tomorrow a special device for Easter and Easter that will include the reinforcement in an 7% of the shifts of the personnel of the 112 Emergency telephone and the intensification of the monitoring of forest area and adoption of dissuasive measures to prevent forest fires, according to the director of the agency, José María Ángel.

This series of special measures will be applied from the 18 to the 29 for April with the possibility of extending it to the 1 in May. During these days, regardless of the preemergence level of forest fires, preventive measures will be taken as if it were 3 preemergence level, extreme risk of forest fires.

Extraordinary measures

All organisms and units involved in the special fire prevention and extinguishing device, more than 800 effective, will apply extraordinary measures such as: the prohibition of burning on forest land, contiguous or with a smaller proximity to 500 meters of activities such as burning of margins of crops or agricultural and forest remains; burning of cañar or shrubs linked to livestock, hunting or other type of use; and distillation operations of aromatic plants.

The burnings approved in local plans, as well as all the burns already granted for the same period, will be suspended. From the 18 to the 29 in April, the places prepared and enabled for this purpose within the forest recreations may be used provided that an 3 level of pre-emergencies of fire risk is not established.

The planned surveillance measures include several daily flights that will travel throughout the Valencia Region for two or three hours depending on the level of fire risk, unless the aircraft can not fly due to adverse weather conditions or are participating in forest fires assets.

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