Politics - PSPV - Crime

The exalcaldesa, Paqui Viciano, acquitted of electoral crime denounced by Gent of Dénia

18 July 2013 - 00: 10

The High Court of Justice of Alicante has resolved the acquittal of the ex-mayoress Paqui Viciano and the exconcejales Pau Reig and Manolo Amat for an electoral crime that in 2007 denounced the Gent formation of Dénia and whose complaint retired a few days ago because those affected «ya no se dedican a la política».

The events go back to May 2007, days before the municipal elections when, according to the complainants, an act was laid to place the first stone of the new building of the Dénia Trinquet. According to the complainants, the electoral board banned the realization of that act that would later be seen in the press.

At the trial, held last week, Viciano stated that there was no act in which the press was notified, but a simple routine visit to see the progress of the works that was later published in the press.

Now, six years later, the Superior Court of Justice of Alicante considers that what was established by the Electoral Board was not breached, for which reason it absolves the accused's exediles.

From PSPV-PSOE congratulate this news, although they denounce «la manipulación política que realizó de este procedimiento judicial el exministro de Justicia del PP, Federico Trillo y Ana Kringe, candidata a la alcaldía por el Partido popular en 2011 que utilizaron la denuncia de Gent de Dénia para desprestigiar a Paqui Viciano y sacar rédito político durante la campaña electoral de las elecciones municipales de mayo de 2011». They also regret the excuse of Gent de Denia by withdrawing the complaint, since «es el claro ejemplo de la utilización política de la judicialización que ha estado sufriendo la exalcaldesa de Dénia».

EL BLOC, por su parte, ha emitido un comunicado en el que afirman que «estábamos convencidos de que la justicia les daría la razón» y esperan que sus familias «puedan olvidar este tema que les ha trastocado y puedan continuar con normalidad». Josep Crespo, concejal nacionalista en Dénia, reafirma su apoyo al trabajo y la dedicación de los exediles.

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