
Dénia Islamic community shows its rejection of terrorist violence

November 20 from 2015 - 14: 30

Mohammed Irdi, imam of the Dénia mosque, and Dr. Jamal Nasser, member of the Islamic community of the municipality, have been the representatives of the Islamic group in Dénia before the local authorities, to whom they have transmitted their total rejection of the violent acts that They are taking place this week in Paris.

Meeting with members of the Islamic community in Dénia

Both held a meeting with the Mayor of Dénia, Vicent GrimaltAnd the Councilor for Citizen Participation, Óscar Mengual, Whom they manifetsaron its absolute rejection of any act of aggression or terrorist violence such as occurred last Friday in Paris.

Jamal Nasser Mohammed Irdi and took advantage of the meeting to express their condolences and respect for the victims and their families and stressed that Islam «es paz, armonía y fraternidad».

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