
The city of Dénia is filled with LGBT+ stories

22 June 2023 - 11: 28

On the occasion of the international celebration of LGBT+ Pride, the Dénia Town Hall has installed the exhibition LGTB referents: Voices in various parts of the city. The exhibition, which can be visited from today until July 4, consists of 21 images -1 presenting the proposal and 20 with characters from the world of sports, cinema, activism, literature and television, such as Billy Porter, Alba Palacios or Boti García Rodrigo- and it is already installed in the Municipal Library of Dénia, the House of Culture, Llunàtics (round of the Walls) and Social Center. El Chico Llama (Javier Navarrete) is the illustrator of the pieces where you can see and learn about the history of people who "have contributed to the formation of a more plural, respectful and inclusive society".

This proposal is an initiative of the Department of Feminism and Diversity of the Fuenlabrada City Council, temporarily ceded to the Dénia City Council. The objective, according to the Department of Equality and Diversity of Dénia, is to make visible the people of the group who "achieved success in their lives, being fully visible."

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  1. Michael says:

    The feminists won their cause. Congratulations. But now they need another minority group to keep the money flowing. So they created one. Congratulations again.
