
Juana María Noguera exhibits "La Pansa"

Event Date: May 12th 2011
Event type: Exposition
Site: Municipal House of Culture
Schedule: Monday to Friday from 10 to 13: 30 and from 17 to 22 hours. Saturdays from 11 to 14 hours.
Home: Free
Event finished

Since 2005 Juana María Noguera is perfecting his love of painting, attending classes Social Center and part of the group "Pinzellades". To date he has made three exhibitions portraying the central theme Raisin Dénia. It is didactic exhibitions in which the artist wants to capture in the memory of those who visit the legacy of our ancestors.

Exhibition "The Pansa" the 12 May is inaugurated, at 20 hours and will be open until May 28 in the room Pintor Llorens Municipal House of Culture.

1 Comment
  1. edda Arfsten-von jess says:

    Qeurida Juana Maria!
    Congratulations must give, not only by the fantastic pictures you have painted, but everything well organized you have your page, we liked a lot.
    Edda and Elke
