
IMER tells you what is the difference between In Vitro Fertilization (IVF) and artificial insemination

11 2017 April - 10: 48

You know what the difference between In Vitro Fertilization (IVF) and artificial insemination? There are different techniques that people often confuse. Imer you clarify your doubts.


The difference between these two treatments and artificial insemination occurs in the process of fertilization of the egg by the sperm, this process occurs in the laboratory and not in the female reproductive tract, as in a spontaneous pregnancy.

Some indications for this treatment are, according to the Spanish Fertility Society (SEF):

- Injury or absence of the fallopian tubes.
- Severe changes in seminal quality.
- Endometriosis
- Alterations of ovulation.
- Immune disorders.
- Previous fertilization failures in previous treatments.
- Need for a Preimplantation Genetic Diagnosis.

SPOUSE artificial insemination (IAC)

It is the simplest and least invasive procedure all treatments that are made for couples affected by infertility problems and / or infertility:

It is performed in cases of slight alterations in sperm quality, abnormal cervical mucus quality or other unknown causes of infertility.

DONOR artificial insemination (IAD)

In cases where one must resort to a donor, usually:

- Azoospermia (complete absence of sperm in the ejaculate) and inability to obtain useful sperm from the testicle or seminal pathway, which communicates with the outside.

- Severe unresolved male causes with IVF / ICSI fertilization.

- Certain genetic disorders of the male, whose transmission to the offspring is probable and not avoidable by means of diagnostic procedures for embryonic selection.

- Severe sensitization of women against the Rh factor, which has caused loss of previous pregnancies and cannot be treated by other procedures.

- Women without a male partner, whether homosexual couples or women who want to face maternity individually for personal and / or emotional issues.

For more information, trust the best professionals. Contact IMER on the phone 963 16 02 40.

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Marqués de Campo Street, 60

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