
Today is World Day Restless Legs Syndrome and from HLA San Carlos offer some healthy tips

23 September 2016 - 09: 45

On the occasion of World Day Restless Legs Syndrome, the new Unit of Neurology HLA San Carlos Remember that this is an underdiagnosed disease, and it is estimated that 10% of the population suffers, although most do not know.

If you wake up at night with discomfort in the legs, the discomfort will not let you sleep and get up and walk around to try to calm this discomfort, you can suffer the syndrome restless legs. But beware! This disorder can also affect the rest of the body.

Typically, this syndrome occurs at an advanced age, but it can also affect young people, both men and women. "It is a neurological disorder that can be inherited, and is a nuisance which suffers both legs and other body parts" explained from the center, and adds that "normally takes overnight but can also arise during the day".

This pathology is not a neurodegenerative disease, but if it is not treated, it can have an impact on a poor quality of life, and even lead to alterations in the heart rate, blood pressure, as well as to develop a cerebrovascular problem.

The restless leg syndrome has different levels of severity. In some cases, patients suffer this discomfort only sporadically some nights, and do not need medication, but experts recommend physical exercise during the day to get more tired at night.

World Day Restless Legs San Carlos

But sometimes, the symptoms come to prevent the patient to lead a normal life. "Although they are a minority, there is a percentage that syndrome restless leg keeps them awake at night, and even driving a car, as the sitting for a short period of time is sufficient for the concern begins" , clear from the clinic.

In severe cases, medication is essential, but in addition to drugs, from the Unit of Neurology recommend doing sports, avoid stimulants such as coffee, tea and alcohol, and evade stressful situations.

"The diagnosis is complicated," confess from the medical team, adding that "the most important is the medical history, which tells you the patient. There are people who tells you directly what happens (tingling, heaviness, burning, nervousness, etc.) but sometimes you have to deduct. In addition, to rule out other possibilities, such as sleep apnea or insomnia anxiety, it is necessary sometimes a sleep study to confirm the diagnosis. "

A disease always present

This condition never disappears, therefore pursues what treatment is to improve symptoms. If the patient stops medication these will reappear. "The discomfort can vary, but the disease is always present, and there are people who need treatment for life" specified from HLA San Carlos Office.

"It has been revealed that drugs Parkinson, in moderate doses, help control the disease, but has not been found relationship now between these two pathologies" explained from the unit, and add that "also some AEDs may benefit these patients. In addition, it was found that those affected sometimes have an iron deficiency that can either cause disease or make it worse, and correcting this, the symptoms can disappear. "

For all this, since HLA San Carlos recommend that patients who have pain in any part of your body, and also present insomnia or restless sleep, should turn to their GP ever, to assess whether it is necessary to refer a neurologist. "The main affected of this pathology is the dream, and we know that this is a prerequisite for patient comfort factor," they conclude from the center, with the launch of this new unit, made up of top professionals and advanced technology , has the means to diagnose and treat all pathologies of the brain, such as that ailment.

Contact Hospital San Carlos Grupo HLA

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