
HLA San Carlos details some aspects about rhinitis

27 July 2018 - 11: 28

Allergic rhinitis affects at any time of the year, not just in the spring. Their manifestations can occur in any month, for example, after doing a cleaning at home, visiting a house where a dog resides or walking on land that has pine trees, as well as other situations that may occur during the summer.

"After having exposed ourselves to allergens such as house dust mites, pollens, animal epithelia and fungal spores, allergic rhinitis presents a hypersensitivity reaction of our nasal mucosa", explains from the Hospital Allergy Service HLA San Carlos one of its specialists, Dr. Gabriel Colamarco.

alergias hla san carlos

The doctor offers the main keys of this pathology that "It is characterized by the presence of sneezing, runny nose, nasal obstruction, itchy eyes, nose and palate, cough, irritability and fatigue ". The symptoms can range from mild to very intense discomfort, which can affect daily activity, work and school life, and even cause sleep disorders.

The allergist of the HLA Group in Dénia, recognizes that "The prevalence of rhinitis has increased in the last 30 years, currently affecting about 30% of the world population. In Spain, the prevalence in adults is 21,5% and in children around 12% "(ISSAC Study, Asher M, Prevalence of allergic rhinitis in Europe, Bauchau V). Not all of these cases correspond to allergic rhinitis, there are also non-allergic rhinitis, such as vasomotor rhinitis, irritant, infectious, drug induced or anatomical alterations, among others.

How to know if you suffer from allergic rhinitis?

For an accurate diagnosis of allergic rhinitis specialists like Dr. Colamarco, are based on "The clinical history, a detailed physical examination and complementary examinations among which we included skin tests, the reference method being the intraepidermal test (prick) to demonstrate the allergic sensitization to aeroallergens. In addition, we can determine in vitro (blood sample) immunoglobulin 'E', specific against aeroallergens as a complementary method to skin tests. "

Once the origin of the hypersensitivity reaction of our mucous membranes has been identified, it is essential that the treatment of allergic rhinitis have a professional and multidisciplinary approach, where environmental control measures should be taken, together with pharmacological treatment and immunotherapy. The environmental control measures are focused on avoiding and reducing the harmful allergen to our health, informing and educating the patient and his family about the rules to avoid exposure according to the type of allergen in question.

What else can I do to avoid the symptoms?

Gabriel Colamarco highlights that "The pharmacological treatment may be oral or topical nasal administration, but always administered individually, according to the characteristics of each patient such as age, severity of symptoms, associated diseases, etc."

On the other hand, the HLA allergist San Carlos Office clarifies that "allergen immunotherapy, commonly called 'allergy vaccine', has evolved in a very important way during the last years. This consists in the administration of the specific allergen for each individual, repeatedly over a period of time, to induce tolerance and achieve progressive remission of symptoms. It is the only treatment with the ability to modify the natural course of the disease".

The 'allergy vaccine' is indicated in all patients who have poor control of their symptoms and can be administered subcutaneously or sublingually.

We already know that at any time of the year the symptoms of allergic rhinitis can appear, and then it will be very important to consult with a specialist so that he can "assess its cause and receive appropriate treatment in a timely manner, thus preventing the progression of the disease and possible complications such as asthma, sinusitis, otitis media and sleep apnea, among others ", concludes the doctor of the Allergy Service of San Carlos Hospital.

Contact Hospital San Carlos Grupo HLA

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