
Childcare Milotxa

The Milotxa born in 1999 as a new project to provide education 0 to 3 years. His philosophy is based on the integral development of psychological, emotional, affective, psychomotor, congnitivos and social aspects of students.


The Milotxa has two centers in Denia: one located in the city center and another in the campus area. The two centers are characterized by modern, functional and safe facilities.

The center is located in the city Pare Pere street and has five classrooms connected to each other with own sink. It also has a psychomotor classroom, a large patio, kitchen and dining room.

the Milotxa camp is just outside the ciduad in a relaxed and natural environment. It has orchard, farm, classrooms and multipurpose spaces, dining room and kitchen.

Childcare Milotxa


Pare Pere, 29 -
Lliri street 1 -
  1. Rachel says:

    Good morning,

    I write because I just arrived in Denia and seek a nursery as soon as possible for my 16 months. I do not know if at this point the course will still have a seat available, if so can also contact me on my mobile 629121416.

    Thanks in advance, I wish you a prosperous new year.

    Raquel Ribes

  2. vicky says:

    m'agradaria whether escola d'estiu tenen that fer per a xiquets of 5 anys

  3. Marivi says:

    I would be interested in taking my son to kindergarten but even if not now or in September and I would be interested to know how long before I have time to enroll. Thank you.
