
Are D-dimer and thrombotic events related in patients with COVID-19? We explain it to you

04 2022 April - 14: 22

Since the start of the pandemic, several studies have reported coagulation abnormalities and a higher incidence of venous thrombotic events in patients with COVID-19.

With the D-dimer analysis which is done in laboratories González can be diagnosed bleeding disorder to be able to treat it in time.

What is D-dimer?

D-dimer analysis can help diagnose and prevent thrombosis.

D-dimer is a degradation product of fibrin, a protein fragment that is present in the blood after the degeneration of a blood clot by fibrinolysis (a natural body process that prevents commonly occurring blood clots from growing and cause problems).

A negative result for this protein rules out thrombosis, but a positive result indicates a suspicion of thrombosis. D-dimer levels are used as a predictive biomarker for blood disorder, especially to rule out thromboembolic disease. This is a very sensitive but not very specific test.

What are thrombi and thrombosis?

Thrombi are blood clots that arise inside a vein and do not separate, persisting for a long period inside the blood vessel. When the thrombus breaks free from the blood wall, moving, it gives rise to what we know as embolism. The presence of these embolisms in the blood system can become a problem, because the thrombi can clog smaller vessels, leading to poor tissue irrigation.

The presence of D-dimer means that there are clots in our circulatory system. Clot formation can come from multiple causes, and depending on the level of presence of this protein, we will be facing a severe or mild episode of clots, for example, in patients hospitalized for COVID-19, an increase of up to four times of this protein will be a sign of a poor prognosis.

Clot formation can have several causes and, depending on the level of presence of this protein, we will be facing a severe or mild episode of clots; For example, in patients hospitalized for COVID-19, a fourfold increase in this protein is an indicator of poor prognosis.

Are D-dimer and COVID-19 related?

Current evidence shows that D-dimer values ​​are elevated in COVID-19 patients. Severe SARS-CoV-2 disease is associated with a hypercoagulable state.

According to the Spanish Society of Thrombosis and Hemostasis, patients with COVID-19 develop, in addition to a systemic inflammatory response, the activation of coagulation in symptomatic patients. D-dimer, a marker of thrombin generation and fibrinolysis, has been shown to be a relevant prognostic index of mortality. These studies indicate that higher D-dimer levels are associated with an 18-fold increased risk of mortality. Testing for this protein is of clinical use when deep vein thrombosis, pulmonary embolism, or disseminated intravascular coagulation is suspected.

Persistent fatigue, shortness of breath and reduced exercise tolerance have been classified as symptoms after coronavirus infection.

Visit González Laboratories now and have a D-dimer test done. Contact them to find out about this or other tests they perform!

Contact Laboratorios González

Street Vicente Andrés Estelles, 2 1º
1 Comment
  1. velardite says:

    Guten Morgen II
    ch habe Probleme mit meiner Gerinnung. Können sie mich behandeln? LG Velardita Claudia
