
This afternoon starts the Municipal Employment Plan with the approval of their bases

15 2013 April - 00: 00

Thirty scholarships of 400 monthly euros during 6 months to learn and work as forestry assistants and maintenance of services and works are launched this afternoon thanks to the Municipal Employment Plan whose bases will be approved by the CREAMA executive.

Vicente Chelet during the press conference

councilman Vicente Chelet, explicó que el ayuntamiento ha realizado los trámites necesarios, entre los que se incluyen la modificación presupuestaria mediante la cual destinaron a este plan 80.000 euros provinentes de la partida de Bienestar Social, algo que según el edil, «está más fundamentado que nunca».

After these procedures, it is only pending that the executive of the consortium approves the bases. From now on, registration deadlines will be opened for interested parties who meet the requirements: unemployed with a minimum of 6 months, enrolled in SERVEF, who currently do not receive any kind of help, registered in Dénia for at least 4 years and members of the European Economic Community with a work permit.

Proposal to join CREAMA to the Grants Program for the promotion of employment at the local level

Michelet reported that this afternoon will propose to the consortium accession Grant Program to promote employment at local level launched by the Provincial Council of Alicante in order to reduce unemployment figures throughout a region.

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