
Scoliosis 3 months after treatment Chiropractic Center Dénia

  1. Siomara Magdalena Erices Henríquez says:

    Good afternoon, I have scoliosis of approximately 15°, it says my paper from about 2 years ago and it turns out that they had a safe treatment that after the pandemic they canceled it (I don't know why) and I'm 16 years old, the question is what can I do I have no financial resources to improve the 15th grade or decrease because from what I read I still have time.
    Thank you, forgive my writing a bit rough 🙂

  2. Flavia says:

    Hello, my 12-year-old daughter has a 43° scoliosis. Can that be stopped or even reduced?

  3. Carolina says:

    Good afternoon, I saw the article, and I wonder if it is possible to reduce degrees of scoliosis in people who have already completed their growth, as seen in the photo. Is it a sustained decrease? I 24 years 13-15 and a few degrees, do not remember exactly. I am interested in this treatment. I would not want to progress into adulthood. a greeting

    • Gonstead Chiropractic Center says:

      Thank you for your interest in the article about scoliosis. In the consultation we try many cases like yours. Usually the most significant changes are achieved before the age of 18 years, as in the case of our patient in the photograph. With proper care and following the guidelines recommended by the chiropractor, you can stop the degenerative process and prevent further problems in the future. Ideally to see you in the consultation and a thorough examination of your spine and nervous system. Thus our chiropractor will explain in more detail what could be done in your case. If you had x-ray or resonances, it would be interesting to analyze.
      I'm sure our chiropractors could help you, since you're still a young person.
      If you are interested in taking an appointment, please call us at 965 from 200 005, or send us an email to: info@quiropracticoalicante.es
      Thank you very much and have a good week.
      María delia Deluca
      Chiropractic Assistant
