
The young volunteer, an alternative that has increased in recent years

06 July 2013 - 00: 00

During this week the UNED Dénia is celebrating the course Youth as the value of a changing world and during the day on Wednesday, a space devoted to talk about youth volunteering.

En esta línea, los participantes al curso ensalzaron la figura del voluntario y animaron a los jóvenes a involucrarse más a pesar de que, según los organizadores del curso, «durante los años de crisis que estamos viviendo, el número de voluntarios ha aumentado significativamente, probablemente por falta de salidas laborales».

Jaime Higueras, professor of Secondary Education and visible face of the association Condemned to curb, Put in value the role done by volunteers: "From my position as a teacher in high school, it was easy to motivate students so that, on the one hand, they could develop different social skills, and secondly, the association counted with volunteers. It is essential to have a good number of volunteers and although the average time devoted to a young volunteer does not normally exceed 2 years, the association still have young people working with us since 7 years ago. "

La Secretaria Provincial de Cruz Roja Dénia, Raquel Martín, afirma que se da mucho, «pero también se recibe mucho”. De hecho, la educación en valores y la convivencia les permite reforzar el desarrollo personal y, como destacaba el Presidente de Cruz Roja Alicante, Alejandro Marcos Serrano: “en las acciones de voluntariado consiguen lo que les falta por aprender y así completan una formación académica que ya han realizado.

Red Cross Youth has about 600 volunteers across the province whose age ranges between 16 and 30 years and serving more than 20.000 users, in addition to running various awareness campaigns, talks at schools or, as is the case of Dénia, offer a toy library for users between 6 and 14 years.

Juan Vicente Climent, Head of Development of Entrepreneurship. Regional Ministry of Economy and Employment eun course Youth in Changing World

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