
The port of Dénia hosts a creative exhibition on Leonardo da Vinci

18 July 2023 - 15: 13

The Mayor of Dénia, Vicent Grimalt; el director de Área de Negocio de CaixaBank, Carlos Colom; la delegada territorial de la Fundación ‘la Caixa’ en la Comunitat Valenciana, Lourdes Toribio; y la comisaria de la exposición, Érika Goyarrola; han presentado hoy Leonardo gives Vinci. Observe. Question. experiment, que nos acerca a su figura más allá del genio, centrándose en su rasgo más esencial: su curiosidad insaciable. Con la organización de este proyecto itinerante, que comenzó su andadura en 2019, la Fundación ‘la Caixa’ se suma a la conmemoración del quinto centenario de la muerte de Leonardo da Vinci (1452-1519).

La exposición permanecerá instalada en el puerto de Dénia, junto al Museu de la Mar, del 19 de julio al 29 de agosto. La muestra, que cuenta con la colaboración del Château du Clos Lucé – Parc Leonardo da Vinci, centro de referencia para el conocimiento y la divulgación de su legado, se desarrolla en dos espacios: en el interior, un espectáculo audiovisual que conecta el pensamiento de Leonardo con nuestro día a día, juegos y realidad aumentada; y en el exterior, cuatro grandes maquetas que reproducen fielmente algunas de las ideas más modernas y premonitorias de Leonardo.

In the interior space, visitors will be able to delve into the thought of the genius. An audiovisual projection, produced expressly for the exhibition, welcomes the public by presenting them with any day of our daily life inspired by the gaze of Leonardo.

Next, visitors will find themselves with seven interactive games —analogue and digital— with which they can play to understand, experiment to create, and discover, behind Leonardo's achievements in the most varied disciplines, the common denominator of intelligence and intelligence. sensitivity.

The interaction continues outside with the exhibition of four models that are faithful interpretations of original drawings by Leonardo da Vinci, built with materials of our time: Aerial screw (sketch considered the first prototype of the helicopter); Vitruvian Man, study of the proportions of the human body; Flying machine, inspired by the flight of birds and Paddle Boat, a project with which Leonardo sought to increase the speed of the oars, reduce the number of men needed to move the boat and get more space for cargo.

Lastly, augmented reality makes an appearance in the exhibition with the free Leonardo CaixaForum application (downloadable in the Apple Store and Google Play Store), designed as an interpretation tool. Visitors, by scanning the QR codes that they will find in the exhibition, will be able to see what the models would have looked like with the original materials of the time (iron, wood, rope, leather, linen), and how their movements would have been just like Leonardo I had imagined them.

La Fundación ‘la Caixa’ ha trabajado dos años y medio en el proyecto antes de su presentación al público. Para hacerlo posible, ha sido necesario el trabajo de un equipo multidisciplinar formado por expertos en Leonardo da Vinci, arquitectos, ingenieros, guionistas, realizadores audiovisuales y especialistas en diseño, en programación de juegos multimedia y en realidad aumentada.

Exhibition Leonardo da Vinci. Observe. Question. experiment It can be visited from Monday to Sunday, from 11:00 a.m. to 14:00 p.m. and from 18:00 p.m. to 00:00 a.m. You can make free visits or participate in free guided tours in Spanish and Valencian. As the capacity of the facility is limited, it is required advance reservation of entrance.

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  1. Paul says:

    If Ruben also never sees an exhibition that is beautiful Dénia is full of botched jobs contrasting with the crap that is where you look, that's why we, the residents of Dénia, will never see these exhibitions even paying,
    ugly ugly sucker!! waste of time

  2. Ruben says:

    What a bigger prick. They won't stop doing bullshit. It is a fact. They are filling the city with senseless papier-mâché, neither tradition nor culture. Between this and the tombstone they planted at the 'via train station', or the stinking garbage fish in the harbour.

    ENOUGH NOW! This is not the megapolis, nor the sims, you have loaded Denia. stop abuse

  3. Ruben says:

    What a bigger culmination. They won't stop doing bullshit. It is a fact. They are filling the city with senseless papier-mâché, neither tradition nor culture. Between this and the tombstone they planted at the 'via train station', or the stinking garbage fish in the harbour.

    ENOUGH NOW! This is not the megapolis, nor the sims, you have loaded Denia. stop abuse
