
The Relaciona't i Aprén program helps improve the language skills of 115 people in Dénia

19 December 2023 - 13: 53

The Department of Cooperation and International Relations of the Dénia City Council has celebrated the continued success of the Relaciona't i Aprén program, a 14-year-old initiative that promotes learning and interaction between cultures and languages ​​for free.

The program facilitates connection between people interested in improving their language skills through conversational exchanges. It works through a database in which participants are connected for linguistic exchange sessions, taking into account their preferences and the language they want to practice.

Meetings between participants are flexible in terms of location, time and frequency, offering those involved the freedom to coordinate the meetings according to their convenience. It is recommended that participants have intermediate knowledge of the language to be practiced to ensure a fruitful interaction.

In addition to personal exchanges, the program also organizes group activities, such as the well-known pub quiz, a general knowledge question session in English and Spanish. During 2023, five of these sessions have been held with the total participation of 380 people.

The participation figures show notable interest in this initiative. A total of 185 people have signed up for the language exchanges, with 115 of them consolidating regular meetings. It is highlighted that approximately 45% of those registered are of foreign nationality, especially highlighting the presence of British citizens.

The Relaciona’t i Aprén program embraces linguistic diversity, encouraging the practice of a wide range of languages. English, followed by French and German, are the foreign languages ​​most requested by participants.

The coordination of this program falls on the Dénia City Council and has the collaboration of the Official Language School of Dénia and various associations of foreign residents, such as the U3A-University of the Third Age, Euroclub and Dénia France Ouverture Francophone. This cooperation has been fundamental to the success and diversity of this initiative that promotes learning and multicultural coexistence in the city.

  1. Hans-Joachim Kuhl says:

    Ich möchte gerne auch wieder teilnehmen

    • Jopelin says:

      What does Hans Joaquín say, this one who hasn't gone to the first tourist skills class and that's why he doesn't use the translator. Pelin lazy

  2. Omniway says:

    This is something that deserves to be applauded. Very good initiative. I didn't know this existed at that level. Yes, I knew that there were groups of English and Spanish people who met to exchange language practices, but it was on an individual level.
    Now there would be a lack of other integration practices for the rest of the immigrants from other countries and thus ensure that they live with us, exchange culture and do not create their own worlds here separate from ours.
    Everything is possible.

  3. Miguel says:

    I find it very interesting
