Health Alert - Society

The Dénia Hospital reports that there are several discharges every day

26 March 2020 - 19: 12

The Dénia Hospital has convened an online press conference to resolve doubts about how work is being carried out at the center to combat the coronavirus in the Marina Alta.

In it, they have not made public the number of infections, since it is the Ministry that must report if it deems it appropriate, but they have been optimistic about the current situation. Both the Manager of the Dénia Health Department, Luis Carretero, and the Healthcare Director, Pedro Clemente, have pointed out that the growth curve for infections is very flat in our region and there are still days ahead with moderate growth, but they believe "the measures that containment neighbors have taken have had a good effect".

A moderate growth of infections in the Marina Alta

The representatives of the hospital claim to have a lot of free space at the moment, being at the lowest level of the scenarios they had set. The spike in infections, as many reports point out, can occur within six days. Peak calculations are made on a mathematical model that is not exact. The sensation of the two managers is of a slow increase in the Marina Alta, fulfilling their goal of not having a fast peak, having a few days of growth.

Although they cannot give numbers, they have said that several hospital discharges are taking place every day.

In addition, regarding the news of their high number of infected toilets, they attribute it to the fact that in the center they are stricter and they are doing more tests on all their staff. However, they assure that right now they have enough protection material so that it is not their main concern, as it would have been a week ago.

Tests only for severe symptoms

Likewise, preventing the situation from before the state of alarm was decreed, the hiring of 73 reinforcement professionals was carried out to be able to supply casualties when there were and to support the teams.

One of the citizens' biggest concerns was the lack of tests for patients with mild symptoms, who were asked to remain in quarantine at home. The two specialists have confirmed that mild patients, according to the current protocol established by Sanitat, do not require tests, diagnosing themselves by answering questions from a doctor. Only those with severe symptoms and those with mild symptoms are being tested for toilets.

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