Parties - Moors and Christians

The landing of Moors and Christians moved to Raset to gain prominence

21 July 2016 - 00: 08

President of the Federation of Moors and Christians of Dénia, Miguel Ángel Fullana, has shelled the details of the festival program this year, which begins on 30 July to swim across and held their great days of 13 to 16 of August.

One of the major developments that appears in the program of events is the landing of the Moorish troops, to be held on Saturday August 13 and which this year has opted to strongly from FEMMICC. And the federation wants this event to become one of the main programming because «Dénia has the necessary characteristics for its landing to be a reference».

On this occasion the disembarkation changes location and moves to the Punta del Raset beach where Saladino had settled until now. It will start at 20:00 p.m. and they announce it as an event “new, with improvements and on the beach” in which a specific committee within the Federation has been working incessantly to differentiate it from other years way.

Another innovation that includes FEMMICC this year is the "Starts" del desfile de gala que se celebrará el lunes 15 de agosto. Ese día las escuadras se formarán varios metros antes de lo que vienen haciéndolo en los últimos años, en la calle La Mar, y a su paso a la altura del pub Paddy O’Connell habrá un speaker con megafonía que anunciará los nombres de los cabos de escuadra, primers tró, capitanes, bandas y piezas de música que se vayan a interpretar durante el desfile. Con esta mejora en el desfile, el presidente espera que los trabajos de todas las filaes luzcan aún más en un día tan especial.

Las fiestas de Moros y Cristianos en honor a Sant Roc arrancarán el 30 de julio con la travesía a nado organizada por los Mayorales que se celebrará en L’Estanyó. El día viernes 5, At 20: 30 hours, José Enrique Garrigós deliver the opening speech of the party start in the Plaza del Consell, and then dinner gala in the Halls El Poblet be held.

El Sunday 7 August The Sant Roc paella contest will be held on Marqués de Campo street from 12 in the morning, and in the afternoon the music will be the protagonist with the concert of festive pieces offered by the Dénia Artistic Musical Group at 20:30 hours in the Plaza del Consell. About this concert the president of the FEMMICC announced that it will be conducted by a famous composer of Moorish and Christian marches, whose name he did not reveal.

The party will continue the Tuesday August 9 the reception of Christian captaincy, FILA Cavallers of the Me'n FotAnd the subsequent festera entraeta by Pont, Foramur, la Mar, Diana and Marqués de Campo streets. He Thursday, 11 It will be the turn of receipt of the captaincy blackberry, FILA waliesWhose entraeta will pass through the streets Pintor Victoria, Cándida Carbonell, La Mar, Diana and Marqués de Campo. Both begin at midnight.

The big days of the party will come Saturday August 13. In the morning there will be the traditional visit to the Santa Lucía Nursing Home, at 11 hours, and in the afternoon the disembarkation will take place at the Punta del Raset beach. Then the camping dinner will be held in the final section of Marqués de Campo.

El Sunday 14 August the protagonist will be for the little ones with the children's parade that will tour the center of Dénia from the 19: 30 hours. At the end, the bands that have participated will make an entry with the reverse route to finish in the Plaza del Consell and interpret, together, three pieces of festive music.

The great day of the Moors and Christians in Dénia be the Monday August 15When the great gala parade through the streets La Mar, Diana and Marqués de Campo from 19: 00 hours. For the occasion, the captaincies of this year promise two boatos of those who would not shell the details.

The last day of holidays, Tuesday August 16, Sant Roc day will begin with a Mass in honor of the patron at 11: 30 in the Church of Our Lady of Asunicón. In the 12: 45 hours Christian harangue and battle arabucería by Foramur and La Mar streets to finish in the Plaza del Consell be held. There, in the afternoon, starting at 19: 00 hours, parliament, surrender and fog miracle will take place. In the 20: 30 hours begin the procession in honor of the patron and 21: 30 be held the last act of holidays, retreta, ending with the final shot 2016 parties.

Pedro Roque, author of the poster of this year

The banner announcing this year's festivities is a design by the festive Pedro Roque, from the Bàder Bierbers, which he has done in an altruistic way for the party. As a novelty, it includes a QR code that will allow access from any mobile device, with a simple scan, to the Facebook page of FEMMICC where you can consult the detailed information of the programming of the party.

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