
The counter of victims of gender violence will be present throughout the center of Dénia

January 16 from 2024 - 14: 52

The Dénia City Council has taken another step in raising awareness and making violence against women visible by installing counters of murdered victims in the digital mupis that are distributed throughout the city center. In this way, the scope of this action of remembrance and visibility of the victims of gender violence that the city council launched on November 25, 2019, coinciding with the commemoration of the International Day for the Eradication of Violence against Women, is amplified. .

Since that date, the meters were installed on one of the facades of the historic town hall building, in Plaza Constitució. One of them counts the women murdered at the hands of sexist aggressors in our country since 2003, when the victims began to be officially counted. The other indicates the number of murdered during the current year.

Starting this week, both counters will be visible on the twelve screens of the digital information and advertising media distributed throughout the streets of the urban center, reminding the population that "the victims of gender violence count, each of the murdered, abused, attacked, raped and threatened, every victim of gender violence tells us", in the words of the Councilor for Equality and Diversity, Javier Scotto.

  1. Enrique says:

    Let's see if they can put another one on the number of suicides and another one on crimes committed by illegal immigrants. It seems that there is only attention and budget for certain issues that suit the government. The rest is of no interest even though the number of victims is infinitely greater.

  2. Jopelin says:

    I imagine they will also put this unfortunate statistic
    22 children murdered within the family in the year 2023, the so-called filicides. Being the authors:

    ✖️ 12 the mother.

    ✖️ Five the father.

    ✖️ One for both, father and mother.

    ✖️ One for the mother and her partner who was also a woman.

  3. Fernando says:

    I pose to hide the domestic violence disaster that grows while they spend money on childbirth. That they give equality courses to all immigrants, especially North African women who do not know that they have the same rights as their husbands without hijab. And to the institutes on equality, drugs, porn and objectification.

  4. It says:

    In Spain there are 37 recognized genders and sadly there are victims in all 37. My question is, will ALL victims of gender violence be recognized or will those “counters” be reserved ONLY for victims of sexist violence?
    Things by name please.
    Very nice initiative but, as always, biased.

  5. Vicent says:

    I would also add the number of suicides and prenatal deaths, among others.
