
The cry for peace: Ukrainian refugees in Dénia demonstrate against the Russian invasion on the first anniversary of the conflict

February 25 from 2023 - 09: 13

On Friday afternoon, hundreds of Ukrainian refugees demonstrated in Dénia to demand an end to the Russian invasion of their country. The demonstration took place in the center of the city, where protesters carried Ukrainian banners and flags, demanding an end to the Russian occupation and a return to peace in their country.

The demonstration comes just one year after the start of the Russian invasion of Ukraine, a conflict that has left thousands dead and generated a humanitarian crisis in the region. Ukrainian refugees living in Dénia and in other parts of Spain have come together to denounce the situation in their country from different points of view and demand a peaceful solution.

During the demonstration, Ukrainian refugees expressed their solidarity with their compatriots in Ukraine and denounced the attacks they are being subjected to by Russian forces. They also asked the Spanish government and the international community to put pressure on Russia to stop the invasion and to respect human rights in the region.

The demonstration passed without incident and was supported by many citizens who joined the protest to show their solidarity with the Ukrainian refugees. The organizers of the demonstration assured that they will continue to fight for the rights of their people and for a peaceful solution to the conflict in Ukraine.

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  1. John says:

    When are our corrupt leaders going to advocate negotiating peace?

  2. G.Zhukov says:

    The war started in 2014 when the puppet shelled its own village. These are Nazis. Slava Stalin. Slava cccp.

  3. Miguel Ángel Write us says:

    My grandmother, with her four youngest children (my mother and her brothers), were also refugees in this city during the Spanish Civil War as Republicans, fleeing the bombing of Madrid. Here in Denia they were also bombed by Franco's aviation, my mother told me how her mother and her older sister pulled her by the hand to escape the planes they saw flying over their heads while she, unaware of the danger, only thought of getting on socks. That same terrifying situation is what the Ukrainian families that we are hosting in our city of Denia will have experienced, precisely we should understand them better than anyone. It is not a question of politics, it is a question of humanity.

  4. Dani says:

    Shameful that we have to see this in Denia, a Republican city that was helped precisely by Russia.
    From the Popular Crusade we express our support for the people of Russia who are suffering so much from this war and are so forgotten.
    Let's hope that demonstrations of this type are not repeated and leave this town in peace.

    • Vira says:

      You are a defender of assassins!!

      • Miguel Ángel Write us says:

        My grandmother, with her four youngest children (my mother and her brothers), were also refugees in this city during the Spanish Civil War as Republicans, fleeing the bombing of Madrid. Here in Denia they were also bombed by Franco's aviation, my mother told me how her mother and her older sister pulled her by the hand to escape the planes they saw flying over their heads while she, unaware of the danger, only thought of getting on socks. That same terrifying situation is what the Ukrainian families that we are hosting in our city of Denia will have experienced, precisely we should understand them better than anyone. It is not a question of politics, it is a question of humanity.

    • Uliana says:

      Go back to your country of murderers, there you will surely not see demonstrations like this!!!

    • Juanma says:

      You are right about the suffering of the Russian people, it is hard to bear a dictator who kills and manipulates his people. But the thing about Russia and the Republic is funny, Russia is the continuation of Hitler's fascism.

    • Hanna says:

      If you are so sympathetic to the Russian people, go to the front. It's easy to sit at home and philosophize...

    • Yulia says:

      It will happen again and you have to live with it. And I don't like: suitcase-station-raceya. There are no demonstrations there, everything is according to the law.

    • Rodrigo Santiago. says:

      Precisely as a republican you should be the first to condemn the war and its responsible Putin and have joined yesterday's demonstration. Putin is the one who is doing real damage to the Russian people, sending his youth to die on the battlefield for an unjust cause and for his criminal interests, using lies, information censorship and repression against his own people, through prison or even the physical elimination of anyone who opposes him to achieve it. Only from irrational fanaticism can you feel ashamed of this manifestation. Fanatics are those who put their political ideas, whatever they may be, ahead of peace, coexistence and the well-being of people.
      All my respect, support and solidarity for those who demonstrated yesterday condemning the invasion of Ukraine and in support of the refugees.
