
Cadet MS Dénia Básquet removed in knockout by S. Adria won by 59 to 36

May 29 from 2013 - 19: 36

Cadet equipment MS Dénia Básquet I was eliminated in the second round of the Basketball Championship in Spain at the hands of the Catalan team of Sant Adria by 59 to 36.

The dianenses had a good start to the match, the Catalan struggled to curb the rapid transitions of Denia hand Alba Gilabert He took over the lead (5-14).

This situation obliged the technician Sant Adria to call time, a disadvantage of 7 team points (5-12). Around the track meant that his team go up one rung their defensive intensity. This period ended with Dianense five-point lead (9-14).

The second quarter had a totally opposite outcome, the Sant Adriá out more verve to the court. Much squeezed his players defense and Dénia lacked ideas to read the defense. The part of Catalan was 22 to 7, so it came to rest with a score of (33-21).

After the break the game continued in the same vein, very good defense of Catalan and mental block attack on dianenses. They were very unfortunate in their releases, with excess precipitation and poor selection. All this was joined by the lack of success even in throwing free throws. At the end of the quarter the score indicated (44-25).

The last ten minutes of the game were wanting and not being able to Alex Almela girls gradually saw as the victory slipping from their hands. At the end of the shock victory for Sant Adria de Besos by 59 36 to.

The dianenses have to be proud of what has been achieved and this so brilliantly put an end to a season that has already passed into history of basketball in Dénia.
By the Dénia they played and scored Basketball; Sainero (8), Gilabert (12), Martin (2), Palomo (7), Siscar (2), Marquis (2), Rossello (3) and Gimenez.

a href=»https://www.denia.com/el-cadete-de-la-em-denia-basket-eliminado-en-octavos-de-final-por-el-s-adria-que-gano-por-59-a-36/ceba-denia-3-2/» rel=»attachment wp-att-51833″>CEBA Dénia 31

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