
City Council settles the dispute with the contractor of the round

November 30 from 2015 - 12: 16

Finance Councilman in the City of Dénia, Paco RosellóHas announced the signing of two settlement agreements from which the council has settled the dispute with Ronda Norte SL, the company awarded the perimeter round.

The first deal 1.914.268 euros fixed in the amount that the municipality has to pay the company for the lawsuit that forced the council to pay 3.418.287,81 euros. It demanded two million for invoices, another million industrial profit loss and the rest corresponded to interest and court costs of litigation.

View of Dénia

With this agreement the City will save about two million euros also will not come from city coffers, but will be charged the next General Plan through a Comprehensive Action Plan (IAP). Thus it will assume the cost who stay with the area, which will have an urban load.

In the event that this way can not be, the agreement provides that the City would have two years to pay the agreed amount in three installments: 10% in 2017, a 45% in the year 2018, and 45% 2019 remaining in the annuity.

With the second agreement, the City complies with the judgment of August 2013 forcing the consistory to return the bank guarantee 6 million euros that had brought the company. With the signing of this agreement the City agrees to pay the interests of one year from the sentence until September 1 2014, 125.889 amounting to euros.

Thus there is an end to seven years of litigation with the company Ronda Norte SL, whose contract was already terminated.

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