
Teaser of #SenseFerPor: the City Council campaign in which men go on to suffer machismo

16 September 2019 - 18: 25

The City of Dénia has made public the teaser of its #SenseFerPor campaign to defend women and that seeks to end sexist violence. It is a serialized work that seeks the empathy of male citizenship by inviting them to put themselves in the shoes of women and live in their flesh what they suffer daily.

Image: Audiovisual frame of the 'Sense fer por' violence campaignStill from the audiovisual of the campaign on violence 'Sense fer por'

Each day of this week a new video will be published in which situations of violence will be represented, mostly starring men outside the recording, in a hidden camera format.

The audiovisual has been prepared by the production company El Hombre Bala and is financed with funds from the State Pact against gender violence. It has been recorded in Dénia with the collaboration of women from Matria. Associació de Dones, which give life to the characters with their faces covered by masks and uniform clothes, to symbolize the anonymity and fear caused by the aggressors; professional actors and, so that the experiment was as real as possible, anonymous men who lived these situations without knowing that they were being recorded have also participated.

The experiment offers very interesting results and shows, through the testimonies of men, the panic and lack of protection they have felt and how they have lived helped them understand the real fear with which women live daily.

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