
Day coexistence between associations which form the Federation Marina Alta Solidarity

16 June 2015 - 09: 36

The nine associations that make up the Federation Marina Alta Solidaria (Ejército de Salvación, Amadem, Adahma, Acomaad, Aprosdeco, Condenados al bordillo, Extende tu mano, Iniciativa Betània and Ludai) participated last weekend in a day of coexistence that served to better understand the work that each one does in its scope.

Representatives of each association presented their objectives and projects carried out to get them in a first meeting which was attended by representatives of Marina Health Hospital knew more directly to the needs of the region has on health and social services.

Meeting of the Federation Marina Alta Solidarity

Juanjo Sala, coordinator of the Federation, thanked «el papel que todas las asociaciones hacen por los colectivos más desfavorecidos y como la solidaridad sigue siendo el eje de la sociedad, haciéndola más accesible a aquellas personas que más lo necesitan».

Sala also had words of gratitude for the volunteering of each association, «parte fundamental de la Federació Marina Alta Solidària».

Since the Federation has made an appeal to different social sphere associations working in the region to join this important to continue fighting for social solidarity movement.

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