
Red Cross will develop three workshops prevention in the West Neighborhood Center

10 July 2012 - 00: 00

Neighborhood Center West will host three seminars that will present a series of techniques to prevent accidents and how to act in situations of risk. Workshops "In summer quiérete much", "On the road quiérete much" and "At home quiérete much"; They will be taught by members of Dénia Red Cross and will be targeted to all audiences, without being members of Llunàtics or Dinamics.

Enrique Sastre, president of the Local Assembly of the Red Cross in Dénia, explained that his association has been influencing for some time the diffusion in the citizens of a culture of prevention, since, "if the necessary prevention measures were adopted, 9 of 10 accidents could be avoided ". Therefore, in collaboration with the Department of Youth, the Red Cross wants to make a work of information to citizens about the actions to be taken in the face of different phenomena or accidents that may arise during the summer period.

To register for the workshops, which will have seats only 20, interested parties should call 96 578 24 84 phone or go directly to West Neighborhood Center (C / Mayor, 65).

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