
Consellería does not foresee any change in the educational offer of IES María Ibars

May 28 from 2014 - 08: 38

The management of the IES Maria Ibars of Dénia, next to the councilor of education of the municipality, Pepa SiveraThey held this week a meeting with the regional education secretary, Rafael Carbonell, at the headquarters of the Ministry of Education to meet forecasts for the coming years from the center.

Meeting at the Ministry with the Regional Secretary of Education

As stated by the secretary, «el IES María Ibars seguirá con su configuración actual y no hay previsto ningún cambio en la configuración de la oferta de secundaria y bachillerato». Also Carbonell explained that nor is there a planned change in the María Ibars or any of the secondary schools in the city.

The education secretary said that «en caso de plantearse cambios en el mapa escolar, oferta formativa, adscripciones de centros, etc, se convocaría a las comunidades escolares en un proceso de participación en el que se deberían escuchar las opiniones de todo el mundo».

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