
Condenados al Bordillo starts the project «Talleres Tapis» 2015/2016

19 September 2015 - 00: 00

Curbing doomed to start the new year with the presentation of the workshops, together with the Department of Social Services City of Dénia, organized for users of TAPIS; some workshops aimed at facilitating personal autonomy and encourage the development of social skills.

Condemned to Curbing organizes workshops for TAPIS

This year will be offered again group dynamics workshop, Which has been carried since 2007 in the IES María Ibars and with the participation near 40 people, users and volunteers. This workshop aims to establish relationships between the school bus and Tapis users and the sensibilizacón of the needs of the group.

Ángel Díaz will give the Origami workshop to spark the imagination and creativity, help improve memory capacity, coordination and fine motor skills and attention span.

Jimmy Higueras in workshops Condemned

For tecer consecutive year will be held on Fitness shop, Which is done through the collaboration of the Department of Sports and Social Affairs of the City of Denia and within the Project A por la Inclusion, Which also they collaborate Pfizer and Adecco Foundation. It is run by Alejandro Puig and taught in the Municipal Sports Center with the aim of improving health and quality of life through physical exercise.

Another workshop that has generated much interest is QigongIn which users learn to control your body and start on relaxation and meditation. It is taught by Marie France and performed at the premises of Tapis.

Finally, María de la Sierra Millán will give a new cooking workshop in which products Orchard Tapis itself are used to prepare recipes.

User workshops Condemned to Curb

1 Comment
  1. Araceli Guerrero Quinzá says:

    Very interesting workshops organized for the new course for both skill development and for entertainment. I am very happy that the private sector has helped to recruit monitors !!
