
Compromís recognized the work of Jimmy Higueras and the Baix la Mar fault in his XXV Premis de la Tardor

November 26 from 2018 - 08: 27

The collective Compromís per Dénia celebrated last Friday the twenty-fifth edition of its Prizes of the Tardor, some awards that recognize, in each edition, the social and cultural work of groups and people of the Marina Alta and the Valencian Community.

This year, the winners were Jimmy Higueras, president of Condenados al Bordillo, and the Baix la Mar fault in the collective prize, which collected their prizes at the gala that was held in the room Jauja Baleària Port.

At the beginning of the evening, images of the previous editions of 24 were projected, while the music of the guitarist and composer Miquel Pérez Perelló and the soloist, clarinetist and flutist María Moreno delighted the audience. Both interpreted pieces of his disc Sense meta ni rumb. Shortly after the act of delivery began, presenting by Agustí Espí and Marta Escortell and that counted on representatives of the world of the culture, the policy and the celebration of our territory.

The first to collect his recognition was Jimmy Higueras. After the screening of a video about his career took the word Alona and Sergio, speech therapist and user of Condemned to Curb, which gave way to a small video of thanks to Jimmy on behalf of Condemned.

Jimmy Higueras received his award from the Deputy Mayor of Dénia, Rafa Carrió. The winner made a very emotional speech in which he took advantage of «pedir compromiso para confiar en la gente, empatía y unidad para ser felices, amar y vivir en paz». Jimmy dedicated the award to his family, to the group of Condemados al curco and to the IES Maria Ibars where part of the activity takes place. The winner finished his speech by adding that «la verdadera rebelión es la búsqueda de la felicidad».

Historical faileros of Baix la Mar as Maria Dolores Guntiñas, Sebastià Garcia, Silvia Chornet, Miguel Ferrer and Cristina Morera starred in the video tribute to the failure, which from 1947 commitment to culture and the value of our traditions.

Carol Ramis, linked to the Baix la Mar for more than 40 years, was in charge of paying tribute to her failure, in a parliament with which she stated «el orgullo de ser una agrupación que cuida todas las manifestaciones culturales y es expresión máxima del arte en la calle».

The offices of this year received the award from the Councilwoman Eva Ronda. Paco Blanquer and Mayca Ramos, accompanied by the little Pepe Blanquer and Alicia Guardiola, thanked a prize that «valora a todos los que nos han precedido y nos impulsa a seguir trabajando en fuerza», according to the president. For its part, the Fallera Mayor showed his pride and gratitude «hacia todas las personas con las que ha contado la Baix la Mar para mantener la tradición», and stated that «es un lujo formar parte de una comisión que tiene la cultura como bandera y que reivindica la igualdad».

The political note was given by the local secretary of the group, Vicent Català; Albert Girona, Autonomous Secretary of Culture and Sports; and Agueda Micó, co-spokesperson for Compromís and Coordinator of the Bloc.

14 xxv premis de la tardor premiados
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