
This is the IV Equality Plan between Men and Women of Dénia

November 10 from 2023 - 12: 59

The Councilor for Equality and Diversity of the Dénia City Council, Javier Scotto, participated yesterday, November 9, in the presentation ceremony of the IV municipal Plan for Equal Opportunities between women and men of Dénia. Scotto was accompanied by Amparo Castle, head of Equality and Training at Nimia Consulting, and by Marta Colomer (Tutticonfetti), graphic designer of the project, at the presentation event that took place at the municipal Library.

Initial diagnostic phase

After the diagnosis phase of the initial situation, carried out by Nimia Consulting, which included an analysis of information based on surveys carried out among the citizens of Dénia, in December 2022, the Equality Plan 2023-2027 was prepared, through the Consell de les Dones, and the Department of Equality. This plan was approved by the Dénia City Council in the plenary session of April 2023. But, as the Equality councilor explained, "approving a plan and presenting it implies a commitment to execute and make the actions, the objectives and purposes that mark the Plan. Therefore, when a Plan is approved, the execution of that Plan must be assumed.

Since 2005, the year in which the I Equality Plan was approved, "the Dénia City Council acquired the commitment to work, since then, to implement equal opportunity policies between women and men in the municipality," said Scotto. Since the preparation of the I Plan, «it has been detected that many changes have occurred in our society. We have seen and participated in legislative advances, aimed at equal opportunities or the fight against gender violence, and also that there is a certain social progress in which we have even incorporated concepts into our vocabulary that make visible the social reality of equality. , concepts such as co-responsibility, conciliation, balanced presence, inclusive and non-sexist language, the wage gap, paternity leave, protection against sexual assault and harassment, and express consent in sexual relationships. Precisely that we are verbalizing all these concepts means that we are assuming and internalizing that there is a problem, and that we have to go down the path of eradicating it," declared the mayor of Equality.

It has been twenty years since the regional law on Equality between men and women was approved. «We institutions have the legal obligation, marked by the approval of this law, to promote public policies aimed at putting an end to the structural causes of inequalities between women and men. From local governments we have the obligation to know what the needs and problems of citizenship and promote and energize Equality plans like this one, which have to be transversal, and in all spheres of life, personal, family, educational and social," said Javier Scotto.

For the IV Equality Plan, "of course we must have the participation of citizens, without whose collaboration and co-responsibility it is not possible to achieve effective equality between women and men in the municipality of Dénia", according to the words of the mayor of Equality. «Precisely the participation of citizens, entities and associations are the engines that will achieve transformation and social progress. Not only women's associations, but also political forces, educational and sports centers, leisure, culture, parties and the business community itself have to participate in the commitment to the Equality Plan," said Scotto, who ended by declaring that equality is not just a question of women, it is a question of men and women, it is a question of all people.

Actions IV Equality Plan

The IV Equal Opportunities Plan between men and women of Dénia therefore includes the measures and actions that aim to achieve equal treatment and opportunities between women and men and eliminate any discriminatory situation based on sex in the municipality. The IV Plan is a continuation of the previous plans, it is a process in constant evolution, a continuation of improvements in equality, a very specific plan adapted to the diagnosis and the needs detected today. But, as Scotto observed, "we must be careful that there are no setbacks in those advances that have been achieved, setbacks because there is a social and institutional discourse of "denialism", a discourse that in the end is a reaction to that progress and those achievements that we want to achieve. The most important actions reflected in this IV Plan are:

  • The gender perspective in local administration, whose general objective is to guarantee the effective incorporation of transversality and the gender perspective in local administration
  • Associationism, whose goal is to promote equality and solidarity as shared values ​​among citizens. Create sisterhood in the relationship between the associative fabric and the council to fight together to constitute a municipality free of discrimination and egalitarian
  • Education, culture and sports, with the purpose of introducing the gender perspective in the educational, cultural and sports dynamics of the municipality with egalitarian environments of educational and social participation
  • Training and awareness with the purpose of supporting and promoting egalitarian social transformation through training. Integrate the gender perspective in the training environment of Dénia
  • Business fabric in order to promote and encourage gender equality in the municipal business fabric
  • Health and well-being to promote health and well-being by directly addressing specific health problems
  • Violence against women with the intention of contributing to the elimination of gender and sexist violence
  • Citizen empowerment and participation whose objective is to make visible and encourage citizen participation in decision-making

Finally, some of the most relevant actions of the IV Equality Plan are to carry out a study on urban mobility and public transport from a gender perspective, guarantee the presence of the Violet Points in the Dénia festivities as well as recreational activities. -festive, designate a safe space for breastfeeding in Dénia, or training in educational centers aimed at teachers, families and students, among others.

IV Equality Plan

Download the following link IV Equal Opportunities Plan between Men and Women of Dénia full.

1 Comment
  1. Caesar says:

    Come on. From what they explain, it is very clear that everything is yet to be done. In other words, they have done nothing in 20 years, other than talking about transversality and creating tables or committees and at the end of the day trying to involve citizens in order to camouflage and dilute their responsibility.
    Gentlemen...they pay you good money to take care of presenting clear, concise, concrete, reasonable and achievable projects.
    Come years, come decades…and come pots. Could it not be that this department, as it is conceived, is superfluous?
    Good Morning.
