
Students from 4th year of the Pou de la Muntanya publish the book 'Va de faves' for solidarity purposes

May 20 from 2016 - 00: 02

The students of 4º of Primary of the school Pou de la Muntanya finalize the spring with a solidary project between hands. It's about the book Goes faves, a compilation of recipes with beans contributed by the students, language games such as sayings, phrases, sayings or poems, and the section L’Art i la fava, which has awakened the most artistic side of the student body.

And in the spring they have thoroughly known this product and have learned through it math, information search techniques, and have produced different texts with the bean as a protagonist.

Book 'Goes faves'

The result is a book that has counted with the collaboration of ninety companies in the city for its edition and that has gone on sale for 3 euros that will be used to help a classmate can deal with a surgical intervention. The book can be purchased at the center's secretariat, at Publics Bookshop, and at stores Marbrestone and Bagit.

Goes faves it has been the end result of an intense year of learning in the school garden, where they have known better the products of each season. In this way, gastronomy is strengthened in the school, which will be the central axis of the course that is coming so that students can learn the potential that Dénia offers. Creative City of Gastronomy UNESCO.

School garden school Pou de la Muntanya

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