
Compromís proposes a Consell d'Ocupació to combat unemployment

February 14 from 2015 - 00: 00

The mayoral candidate for Compromís, Rafa CarrióAnd the number 3, Eva Round, presentaron sus propuestas en materia de empleo para combatir las cifras del paro en la ciudad, basándose en la creación de un Consell d’Ocupació que a través de sinergias profesionales, dinamice la economía local.

He explained Ronda, the project is working two channels: the participation of associations and the work of the sectoral committees.

Rafa Carrio and Eva Round

This Municipal Occupation Council would be a council of constant intercommunication «to share good practices with a common objective: to create stable and quality jobs», Said Eva Ronda.

The functions of this body would be to analyze the specific needs or market niches, find current trends, creating labor exchanges, promote training in enterprises and also analyze future possibilities.

According to the applicant, the City would have a key role in this initiative since it should encourage and promote the creation of businesses by streamlining procedures, reducing fees and providing legal certainty.

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