
Race Vs Elements presented the evidence in Dénia

30 September 2014 - 13: 06

This test has been canceled by the provisions of the poor state of the sea for the day of your celebration.

En Marina Dénia The presentation of the first test took place, Race Vs Elements, which will take place on October 12. A competition that combines swimming and running.

Andrés Ponce and Eduardo Alberola with the sign of the test

Andrés Ponce, jefe de operaciones de Marina Dénia, explicó que la idea de esta prueba lleva años trabajándose «but the recent fire that has ravaged the Natural Park Montgó, has meant that we cannot celebrate it as we had planned, since precisely the route through which it was going to run has been burned, which was wonderful«.

La prueba pretendía ser una carrera contra los elementos ya que, además de nadar cuatro kilómetros, los participantes tenían que recorrer 21 kilómetros por el Montgó. «We considered not celebrate it, unable to run down the mountain, but as we want to do it every year, this year we have shortened the race five kilometers «.

The competition will start at 9 in the morning with the test four kilometers swimming from the beach Marineta Casiana until restaurant Mena. Then he runs back five kilometers to Marina Denia.

Registration will be open until Wednesday October 8 can be made on the website of mes3events. Registration is individual and team 20 30 euros euros

The race can be done both by teams, one participant can swim and another run, as individual. The awards ceremony will take place at the 11: 15 hours on the line and will be for the categories Sub 23, Senior and Veteran A and B (individual) and the first three male, female and mixed teams.

Eduardo Alberola, gerente de Mes3Events, empresa que organiza la prueba, ha asegurado que «Dénia needed a test that made the difference with other popular tests and we wanted to make it extreme. A race against the elements. Four kilometers of swimming is a great challenge and the 21 kilometers on the mountain are very attractive«.

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