
The stars of Baix la Mar Alejandra Pastor clothing on the day of his presentation

28 September 2014 - 22: 02

The rain did not diminish the spirits of the smallest of the marine commission of Baix la Mar, who on Sunday morning celebrated the presentation of their Fallera Mayor Infantil, Alejandra Pastor Gavila.

With arrival of the most original, mounted on the tourist train to avoid the rain, the smallest of Baix la Mar reached a crowded Social Center to live one of the most important events of the year.

Children's presentation Baix la Mar - Arrival in trenet

Sara Sendra was responsible for driving the act aboard a balloon under the wishes of Icarus, letting the stars guide the presentation.

The first to be called the small child was president, Vicent Blanquer, who made a speech of thanks on stage and received the dozens of children who make up the child fails maritime commission.

The audience stood to greet the star of the morning, Alejandra Pastor GAVILA, which saw its president proclaimed as the Fallera Mayor Infantil and imposed his supporting band.

Children's presentation Baix la Mar - Alejandra y Vicent

Once she took her seat, Alejandra enjoyed her exaltation, which in this case was carried out by her mother, Victoria Gavilà. The exalter was touched in every word she addressed to her daughter, remembering her original way of being and wishing she would enjoy what is still ahead.

Alejandra received the visit during the morning of many people who wanted to accompany her on such a special day. On the stage we could see the president of the Neighborhood Association of Baix la Amr, Antonio Arbona; The president of the Fishermen's Guild, Joan Sepulcre; The president of the Commissión de Festes de la Mare de Déu, Fernando Marí, and children's representatives of the fiestas of Alicante, Pego and Gandía. To end the turn of homage to the little Alejandra came on stage their ancestors, Carla Cabrera and Óscar Comes, and Laura Oltra and Juan Cabrera, Fallera mayor and President of 2015. Finally, Candela Pastor, Fallera Mayor Infantile of Dénia, closed the turn of pleitesias to Alejandra.

The Fallera Mayor Infantil de Baix la Mar thanked in his speech the collaboration of all people linked to the failures, Thanks to which, he said, child commissions can look to the future.

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