
The city council of Dénia "is modernized"

28 2014 April - 00: 00

The full City Council approved Denia, during its session yesterday, its accession to Modernize Plan which promotes the Provincial Council of Alicante.

This project will make it possible to streamline and modernize “paperless” electronic administration, which implies “a significant cost reduction in document management and computer licenses,” as reported by the city council itself. Once the file management tool sponsored by the Provincial Council is implemented, the annual savings for the municipal coffers will reach 60.000 euros.

María Mut, concejala de modernización ha declarado que el nuevo sistema «conlleva muchas ventajas para los ciudadanos, ya que permitirá realizar más gestiones en menos tiempo y de manera más sencilla. Por ejemplo, cualquier dianense podrá solicitar un certificado de empadronamiento al instante sin necesidad de desplazarse físicamente hasta el ayuntamiento. Sin duda, estas acciones agilizan considerablemente la tramitación de documentos”.

Moderniza 7.0 Plan

Moderniza 7.0 Plan is an initiative of the Provincial Council of Alicante council services including Cloud, eGovernment, local software, digital signature, electronic office certificates and seal body, among others.

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  1. Carlos Sánchez Martín says:

    Very interesting and needed ,.
