
Andrea Márques leaves Dénia Básquet to go to Ros Casares

01 March 2014 - 00: 00

The player Andrea Marques Alfaro has accepted the challenge of finishing the season in the Cadete team Ros Casares of Valencia, a team that has many opportunities to participate in the Club Championship Spain. If your new computer is classified, Andrea Márques would attend that meeting for the second consecutive season.

Andrea, what are you? Christmas She played with the Valencian National Team in the Spanish Cadet Championship by Autonomies. She has been integrated into the Junior team of the Dénia Básquet qualified for the Autonomic phase along with the six best teams of the season. 7

From the Junior Women's Basketball Dénia has wished you have a great end of season and experience bring you all wanted satisfactions, great personal experiences and learning a sport that will enrich their future ahead.

Dénia Junior Basketball lost one of its best players

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