
Pain in the forefoot, the origin of metatarsalgias

January 21 from 2014 - 00: 00

It seems lie and do not address them, but the feet are with us in every step we take along our whole life and sometimes suffer, causing some discomfort.

Pains that appear on the forefoot are known generally as metatarsalgias. This pain is usually located between the heads of the metatarsals, but can also hurt the joints between the metatarsals and phalanges of the fingers.

The source is in metatarsalgias structural foot disorders as suffering from posterior / anterior plane cavo, have a greater length in the second finger, suffering from hallux valgus (Bunion) and / or have finger-shaped hammer.

Pain is felt when running, walking or exercise any kind of pressure on the forefoot.

Solution to metatarsal pain

The solution is usually in those therapies and treatments aimed at correcting structural disorders of the foot or its effects through templates or extensive corrective shoes that fit the measure of your longest toe, among others. They should also exercise your own muscles of the foot, with the intention to improve their performance.

Dolores matatarsales

Morton disease

Among metatarsalgias it is well known Morton called disease. This is to feel a pain localized in the interdigital space between the 2º and 3º metatarsus. Pain in this case is produced by pressure on the nerve bones running under it. Sometimes the pain is constant, becomes unbearable. This pain often decreases the shoes and give lateral compression on the foot and also to massage the front foot.

Among the corrective measures are supported by the correction template and using a flexible pad under metatarsal affected, to relieve pressure on the nerve. If these measures do not solve the problem or painful episodes are played frequently, corrective surgery is usually required.

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