
The BLOC protests against the closure of RTVV in the delivery of the "Premis de la Tardor"

03 December 2013 - 00: 00

Last Saturday, the twentieth installment was held at the Casa de Cultura de Dénia Premis of Tardor that the BLOC delivers annually, but this year the script had to be changed because the events required it.

Apenas 24 horas antes se producía el apagón de Canal 9, por lo que la organización decidió comenzar con la proyección del último minuto de sus emisiones que finalizó con gritos de «Fabra dimissió» por parte de los asistentes. El extrabajador de RTVV, Toni Reig, explicó lo que supone la pérdida de un medio público como RTVV para la sociedad valenciana, y el tema «El cant dels ocells», interpretado por la violoncellista Alicia Giner sirvió de homenaje a la desaparecida televisión autonómica valenciana.

Already immersed in the awards ceremony, the work of the groups of sailors was recognized, which this year have been awarded as a collective for the involvement in society they have had since its inception in 1949.

The prize was collected by Yolanda Colomer and José Antonio Sepulcre for the first group, and Paco Ferrándiz and Rosa Cabrera for the second.

The Tomàs Miquel Perelló individual prize was awarded this year posthumously to Antoni Lluís Carrió, founder of the UPV in the Marina Alta who died last July. Joan Carles Carrió was in charge of collecting the award and talking about his figure.

To conclude the event, the deputy Joan Baldoví thanked the local group of BLOC-Compromís the delivery of these awards and harshly criticized the Consell for the closure of RTVV.

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