
The municipality will increase the time of the loading and unloading of goods

January 29 from 2013 - 00: 00

The loading and unloading area of ​​the municipality, the current schedule is 8 to 11 morning, could increase by two hours. It is at least the initial intention of the City Council, which approved the public display of the modification of this ordinance.

Councilman governance, Javier Ygarza, explained that with the current schedule many problems are being generated since from the 11 the transporters park in prohibited places to be able to unload the merchandise, creating even confrontations between police agents and drivers. Ygarza defended in the January plenary session that by extending 2 hours the schedule would improve circulation in the urban area.

But opposition groups do not feel the same: the councilor of the CDL, Mari Martínez, He called "exaggeration" because in summer the circulation around the city is "a real chaos". Josep Crespo (BLOC), meanwhile, claimed a report that the council would present before the plenary on the possibility of extending the hours in certain places. Also, Crespo recalled that this measure is not the solution if the aim is to create a pedestrianized city center and asked to work in compliance with the current ordinance.

From the socialist ranks it was recalled that years ago the schedule was extended to 13 hours, but that it was shortened at the request of the merchants themselves, for what they believe would be "one step back". councilman Pep Marí also requested a report from the Department of Tourism with the advantages and disadvantages of this extension of time for the sector.

From the own government team also it questioned the extent FITNESS this. Pepa Font He voted for exhibition to the public "with the will to know which streets are strategically better to apply this measure". Councilwoman for this period claims is time to reflect.

From now on, there is a period of 30 days to make representations to this measure.

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