
Socialists suspended the government team regarding back to school

24 September 2012 - 00: 00

25 teachers less, overcrowding in the classrooms, necessary infrastructures that do not arrive, improvements that are not made and a bus that does not serve all the students who need it. This is how the socialists summarize the start of the school year in Dénia.

The spokesperson, Vicent GrimaltAnd Councilwoman Elena Tur They criticized the passivity of the government Kringe, calling for "regrettable" back to school in the city. According Grimalt, «Kringe no quiere exigir responsabilidades a la Conselleria de Educación, que es de su mismo partido, por si estas demandas pudieran afectar algún día a su futuro político dentro del PP«.

Socialists recalled the shortcomings in education city, such as the extension of IES Maria Ibars, the new Conservatory, the school of Xara or expansion of the College of Education Special Raquel Payà.

Vincent Grimalt e1348224534104

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