
2.000 people walk Dénia to protest the labor reform of the Central Government

30 March 2012 - 00: 00

The demonstration called by trade unions in Dénia, who started the 11 morning the square Archduke Carlos grew in number as he advanced through the streets of the city, reaching collect about 2.000 protesters on the streets Via Diana and Marqués de Campo.

Under slogans like "Either this is fixed or we go on strike" o "You who are looking at us are also being robbed", Protesters marched through the streets peacefully to the port. Although they wanted to continue their journey, members of the National Police stopped him and decided to go back and return to Glorieta Country Valencià, where they read a manifesto and invited the protesters to attend the plenary being held at 14 hours at City Hall, although finally did not attend many people. Notably, the council closed the front door and several officers of the national police patrolled the gates of the consistory to avoid altercations.

According to the unions, the strike was seconded in a 70% in education, trash services seconded in full, respecting the minimum services, like the TRAM to Alicante, and the boat that had to leave to Ibiza from the shipping company Baleària He stayed in the harbor. The fishermen did go out to work and in health the incidence was not very high because only the officials had the option to do it and in the regional hospital there is virtually officials.

1 Comment
  1. Ismael says:

    Declaration of l'assemblea comarcal d'EU to the voltant of the vague general d'ahir to Dénia:

    The col.lectiu comarcal d'EU considers the day of Lluita on March 29 to the Marina Alta a success, since it participated so much in the vague com in the demonstration that is higher than in the past of September 29, 2010 , and it is going to donate a unit response per part of the treballadora class to the aggressions and retallations that sofreix per part of the governs of Rajoy and Fabra, with the capital.
    Ara els representatives of the capital, political parties, employers, industry associations of the Marina Alta know that there will be no agressió i retallada sense resposta, i in totes hi serà EU-Marina Alta.
    The negative note of the day of Lluita in the Marina Alta, will be donated by the merchant, which will not be in solidarity with their clients, following the directives of EHTMA, which is going to be a business piquet. All the ones who are going to participate in the vague and the demonstration for they know who are their companys and who is the antagonist of class.

    Continuous lluita.
